
– Det er sangen vi alltid ville lage

Videopremiere: Casa Murilo - Drive. Sangen som får jentene på dansegulvet har fått London-nostalgisk musikkvideo.

Forrige uke kom Casa Murilo sin tredje fullengder Ignition, et "gjennomsyret muntert popalbum". 

Der finner vi singelen Drive, som nå har fått en musikkvideo filmet i megatravle, sjarmerende London. 

Gitarist Dan Hesketh sier om videoen: 

– Drive is the second single from our third album and it's a song that we've always wanted to make - a dance floor song. I remember when we first started a band someone said to us "you need to get the girls dancing. If you can the girls on the dance floor, then the guys will join automatically". The video is something of an homage to our ex-capital city London. It's grey, full of pigeons, traffic and graffiti, but it has it's own unmistakeable charm. We wanted to capture something beautiful in the mundane everyday. We are happy with the result and hope you enjoy it. 

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