
Norsk band hylles i internasjonal presse

Bandets nye album har fått stående ovasjoner fra en rekke kredible musikkmagasiner.

Spielbergs har fått voldsom vind i seilene med albumet Vestli. Bare i Norge har lovordene vært mange, men det er tross alt ikke så uvanlig. Mer uvanlig er det at internasjonal musikkpresse gir seg ende over for et norsk bands friske blanding av post-rock og emo. 

Da bandet ga ut sitt debutalbum i 2019 var tunge navn som Pitchfork, The Guardian, NME, The FADER, KERRANG og Stereogum ute og viftet med lovordene. Nå har det skjedd igjen. 

BBC melder blant annet om oppfølgeren Vestli at den:

«Feels like an orchestra of rock music when you listen to it, propelled by these really powerful vocals. Good punk energy in there as well. Music that feels like it started in someone's basement, but could easily fill the bowl of a stadium if given the opportunity». 

Nettstedet AllMusic på sin side mener albumet er «a hard-hitting, emotionally compelling work that anyone interested in punk-adjacent music should hear». Også Pitchfork, Kerrang, Stereogum, Rock Sound og mange flere har omtalt Vestli med store ord.

Albumet er oppkalt etter boligstrøket der to av bandmedlemmene Mads Baklien og Stian Nettum Brennskag vokste opp. Bandets tredje og siste bandmedlem er Christian Løvhaug. Alle tre er gamle travere fra Oslos indiemiljø, og har vært en del av blant annet Team Me, Lukestar, Accidents Never Happen, Magnus Moriarty, Truls & The Trees og Call Vega.

Dette skriver internasjonal presse om Spielbergs:

– Feels like an orchestra of rock music when you listen to it, propelled by these really powerful vocals. Good punk energy in there as well. Music that feels like it started in someone's basement, but could easily fill the bowl of a stadium if given the opportunity. - Jack Saunders, BBC Radio1

– A hard-hitting, emotionally compelling work that anyone interested in punk-adjacent music should hear. - Allmusic

– It hits the target again and again and again, working over its anxieties while simultaneously offering a release valve through its skyscraping melodies. - Kerrang Magazine

– An emotional, rousing and spine-tingling collection of pop-punk and indie-pop belters, it shows off the bands incredible knack for heartfelt songwriting. - Rock Sound

– One of the few bands doing «Celebration rock» right and lp2 is better than their first - Ian Cohen, Pitchfork

– A massive wave of energy and earnest noise. - Stereogum

– Even at the best part of 45 minutes long, there's little filler to be found throughout, but instead just a keen focus  on putting the "rock" into indie-rock. The results are always thrilling- and often spectacularly so. - Upset Magazine, 4/5

– These songs are designed to be hollered at a sweaty throng that hollers them back in turn. A lot of bands struggle to recreate that energy on record but Vestli hum with relentless energy from start to finish. - Ticketmaster Discover

– Even at the best part of 45 minutes long, there's little filler to be found throughout, but instead just a keen focus  on putting the "rock" into indie-rock. The results are always thrilling- and often spectacularly so. - Upset Magazine, 4/5

– Vestli is out this week and it's a triumph from start to finish. - Spectral Nights

Ambitious and well crafted. - Emerging New Rock Bands, 9/10

– 00s guitar tones and relentless rhythms. Its hit after hit. - Raw Meat

– On their second album, Spielbergs sound is noticeably matured with greater use of dynamics and sharper production- which has only made the urgency and vitality all the more gripping. - Beats per Minute