
Gothminister hinter mot MGP-juks

Melodi Grand Prix ba Gothminister tone ned showet sitt under den siste delfinalen i helgen, og mener i en uttalelse fra i går kveld at det har vært suspekte juryendringer midt i konkurransen.

Gothminister var nok et av navnene man ikke hadde forventet å se i Melodi Grand Prix, og tross favorittstempel, mye på grunn av en solid fanbase, så gikk ikke industrirockerne videre til finalen i Oslo Spektrum til helgen.

Det var med låten «Utopia» at Gothminister skulle være det mest groteske showet sendt inn som Norges bidrag noensinne, og inneholdt mengder av blod, zombier og pyroeffekter. Planen var også å ha med det avkappede hodet til MGP-programleder Jenny Skavlan, en rekvisitt hentet fra den norske kultfilmen «Død Snø», som hun i 2009 spilte en av hovedrollene i. Hodet var ikke å se, men resten av showet ble gjennomført som planlagt, i følge Gothminister.

I uttalelsen reagerer også Gothminister på at et av jurymedlemmene ble byttet ut midt i konkurransen, og at dette kan ha vært på grunn av jurymedlemmets Gothminister-støtte. Gothminister hinter også mot at dette kan ha kostet bandet den siste finaleplassen.

Les hele uttalelsen som ble lagt ut på Gotministers Facebook-side her:

«Dear everyone! Time for a statement: The last days have been very special for Gothminister, participating in the Norwegian semifinals of the MGP (Eurovision Song Contest). We entered the the contest on one condition: to be allowed to do the stage show and the performance that we wanted, basically to be Gothminister. And we wanted to have fun, which we definitely had, turning the whole music contest upside down with all our special effects and pranks ;) All the bookmakers, the other artists and the producers constantly reminded us that we were going to win. But on the showday we were recommended to skip the most extreme effects like the blood etc. We then decided to put on more blood and even getting hold of the sawn of head of the TV hostess Jenny Skavlan (from the zombie film Dead Snow) (!) This was an important statement for Gothminister, but all this was too extreme for the song contest and suddenly, to everyone`s big surprise Gothminister was not among the 3 chosen artists to perform in the final. Then Gothminister was voted by the people on all forums everywhere to get the wildcard to the final, but that didn t happen either. Also, the original jury was slightly changed so the person who picked Gothminister for the contest suddenly pulled out and was replaced by someone who obviously did not like our extreme show, so...they chose someone else. One thing is sure though; commercial settings might change many artist but it has not changed Gothminister a bit! We always did what we wanted to do, and we forever will, and we will never adapt according to anyone`s wishes! You are no longer an artist if you let other people than yourself make the decision on what to do or on how to appear on stage. Thank you for supporting us! We are looking forward to a great year with lots of cool shows in many countries, and as always, in the proper Gothminister way!»