
Trekker seg fra Sigur Rós etter voldtektsanklage

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Trommeslager Orri Páll Dýrason forlater det islandske bandet.

Det melder flere medier mandag ettermiddag, inkludert det amerikanske musikknettstedet Pitchfork.

I en pressemelding fra bandet heter det:

«Etter de ekstremt seriøse og personlige anklagene som har kommet mot ham de siste dagene, har vi i dag akseptert avskjeden til vår bandkollega Orri Páll Dýrason for å la han takle dette privat».

LES OGSÅ: Kim Larsen er død.

Ifølge Pitchfork var det artisten Meagan Boyd, som jobber under navnet Yin Shadowz, som i en oppdatering på Instagram i forrige uke hevdet at hun hadde blitt voldtatt av Dýrason i Los Angeles for fem år siden.

Den angivelige sovevoldtekten skal ha skjedd da gruppen var i byen for å spille inn albumet Kveikur.


In January of 2013 I was sexually assaulted by a member of the band @sigurros when they were in Los Angeles recording an album that was set to come out later that same year. My assailant's name is Orri Páll Dýrason. I never reported it. I never expressed my pain publicly. I harbored this ache now for almost 6 years... for many reasons. I felt no one would believe me, I felt I had been irresponsible for trusting him just because he was in a band I loved and I respected him as an artist. I was drunk, and I had met him at a club (I had a brief period in which I was a dancer at a club called “the body shop”), I also engaged in a kiss with him before falling asleep in the same bed, after that I completely knocked out. I woke up with the feeling of being penetrated without my consent during a deep slumber.. it happened twice that night, and I wondered myself why I didn’t leave after the first time- but I was drunk, dead tired, in shock, and this was right before I ever heard of anything like Uber/lyft ... but none of that should matter because no one deserves to be raped/touched/licked/fucked without CONSENT. (((My heart is racing and I’m shaking just typing this.))) I wasn't ready to go public in the midst of the hype of the #metoo movement because just speaking about it gives me intense anxiety and I was about to give birth to my first child. In the wake of the news of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford calling out Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, I was triggered to speak out myself. Ironically, he’s now engaged to feminist activist who is also the founder of the Icelandic Slut walk (go figure...) And if I hear another damn Sigur Ros song during a yoga class ever again I’m gonna scream. Those songs I once found deliciously calming, beautiful and serene now leave a disgusting taste in my mouth. #endrapeculture

Et innlegg delt av Meagan Boyd (@yinshadowz)

LES OGSÅ: Bastille til Norge.